Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why Your Cat Sucks on Wool

Why Your Cat Sucks on WoolSucking, and wool sucking in particular, is a common behaviour in cats. While the causes are unknown, it is most often seen in Siamese or Burmese cats, suggesting that there may be a genetic basis to this behaviour.

A possible cause may be suckling deprivation as a kitten. Most cats in the wild will normally suckle for six months or more, unlike domesticated cats that are weaned from their mothers by two months of age. It is thought that some cats will suck on inanimate objects such as wool, blankets, or other objects in order to compensate for this reduced amount of suckling.

Punishment is ineffective. The only effective treatment so far for stopping suckling of inanimate objects is to apply noxious-tasting substances such as cologne, pepper sauce or a commercial repellant (e.g. Variton spray, available from your veterinarian) to these objects. Initially, only a few "treated" objects should be made available to your cat. Once your cat has learned that these objects have an unpleasant taste to them, other "untreated" objects can be sprayed with a noxious substance and left lying accessible to your cat. Eventually, your cat will learn to stop this behaviour. If the behaviour persists, you should consult your veterinarian for further advice
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